
Journal Publications

"Sharing Pain: A Hybrid Expressivist Account," Australasian Journal of Philosophy, in press, 2024. 

"Screening Out Neurodiversity," (with Craig Callendar) Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 33(1): 21-54. 2023.

"MPQ Descriptors as a Pain Pidgin Language," Journal of Hospital Ethics, 8(1): 85-89. 2022. 

"Acknowledging the Burdens of 'Blackness,'" (with Nneka Sederstrom) HEC Forum, 33: 19-33. 2021.

Papers in Progress

Pain Dismissal and the Limits of Epistemic Injustice (under second review)

"'Just' A Painful Period: A Philosophical Account of the Dismissal Menstrual Pain" (under second review)

Professsional Podcasts  &  Blogs

Pain Talk: Beyond Epistemic Injustice with Jada Wiggleton-Little

Pain Testimonies, Testimonial Injustice, and the Burden of Trust