
The belief that learning occurs through connection is a fundamental tenet of my teaching practice. Making philosophy applicable and meaningful to a person fosters deeper engagement. For that reason, I try to create a learning environment where people can themselves in philosophy and as philosophers.

Moral Psychology

Feelings & Expressions

Moral psychology is an interdisciplinary field that examines the development of moral judgments, motivations, feelings, and capacities in humans. In this course, we will address the following question: What do our feelings and expressions communicate? To tackle this question, we will critically examine what it means to feel and express anger, pain, and empathy. We will consider what these feelings tell us about our own values and judgments, and what the expressions of these feelings can tell us about the social world.

Each class included a case (e.g., IA technology, protests, medicine) in which students could see the social implications of the different theories of emotions and pain that were discussed in the course.

Syllabus may be downloaded here